Under the current economic situation, enterprises enter the hard mode
Since the global spread of COVID-19, economic activities have been completely suspended, and various industries have received shocks. Some well-known big brands have even embarked on the road to bankruptcy. American apparel brand J. Crew filed for bankruptcy protection on May 4. J. Crew used to be the favorite of former US first lady Michelle Obama. After the outbreak of COVID-19, the performance fell sharply after the closure of Europe and the United States.
However, it’s not the first brand to be crushed by the coronavirus. American chain store J.C. Penney, which has 118 years history, also apply for bankruptcy protection under coronavirus influence. According to SHRM newest survey, it will have 52% small business are expected to close within six months. Not only America, Europe some famous retail brands also fact difficult situation. The outbreak of the coronavirus pushes the retail trading into an unknown new era. Such as England Debenhams, Germany Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof and France André.
This year is a hard mode for most companies. Under the current economic situation, please pay attention to the buyer’s state of operation and guard against the risk of default.
However, it’s not the first brand to be crushed by the coronavirus. American chain store J.C. Penney, which has 118 years history, also apply for bankruptcy protection under coronavirus influence. According to SHRM newest survey, it will have 52% small business are expected to close within six months. Not only America, Europe some famous retail brands also fact difficult situation. The outbreak of the coronavirus pushes the retail trading into an unknown new era. Such as England Debenhams, Germany Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof and France André.
This year is a hard mode for most companies. Under the current economic situation, please pay attention to the buyer’s state of operation and guard against the risk of default.